With a combined total of nearly 50 years in corporate practice between us, we have long experience of providing tax and accountancy services, both here on the Sunshine Coast and for interstate clients too. With a common philosophy of ‘the better you know the client, the better the service you can provide’, we felt it was about time we made the natural transition to offering a more personalised niche service. And from the peace and privacy of our office in the Sunshine Coast hinterland, that’s exactly what we now do. Leaving behind the need for an expensive corporate ‘front’, we prefer to focus on providing a service second to none. Oh, and in case you’re wondering about our website and brand colours… well, you get Accountants with Kick because we both are Black Belt in Karate Budokan.

Ruth Slade
I am a chartered accountant with long experience of advising individuals and small and large businesses. Having spent my whole professional life in the Sunshine Coast area, I came to the point where I realised I could do so much more for clients from the flexibility of an independent practice. I thrive on the challenge of keeping up to date with constantly changing tax and superannuation laws and find that the most rewarding part of the job is building long-lasting relationships with my clients.
When I’m not checking up on the latest changes to self-managed superannuation funds, I enjoy walking with my husband in the Noosa National Park or just chilling with friends and sharing a good wine.
Sharron Walker
I am a qualified accountant and member of the National Tax and Accountants’ Association (I’m also a Justice of the Peace and Black Belt in Karate). Like Ruth, my career has been based on the Sunshine Coast and after building up a great deal of professional knowledge and experience, it was time to go independent. I love the freedom of running my own business and how that freedom can translate into a better service for the client; especially when coupled with the constant learning needed to stay up to date in the tax and accountancy world.
My husband and I are keen motorbike riders and away from the Slade & Walker practice, I enjoy books, music, the local beaches and a good glass of wine; not necessarily in that order.